Wednesday, April 14, 2010

funny story

heard this one in the ER.
in a small town in the south, a mexican lady is brought into the ER ready to deliver her baby. an intern with limited spanish goes to take care of her. instead of getting a translator the doctor tries use whatever spanish he knows to get her to push to get the baby out. so while shes spread and ready to deliver in the ambulance with her husband there the doctor yells in spanish 'puta! puta! puta!' thinking that it means to push, while the ladies furious husband starts flipping out on the doctor who is actually calling his wife 'whore! whore! whore!"


  1. I'm You're First Follower! YAY! Check out my blog here: Maybe you can follow it too!

    LOL. That had to be embarrassing - to be called a whore while giving birth. Lmao.

  2. lol, thanks for being my first, if i knew how to follow yours i would... lol

  3. this is an awesome story. keep these up!

  4. haha. Funny stuff pal, keep it up.
